Providing Product Liability License – Why Do Cannabis Dispensaries Need Them?

After the cannabis legalization, dispensaries in downtown Los Angeles started to sell all kinds of cannabis-based products. But these retail shops are operated by all the first-time business owners who might not be well aware of the risks involved. 

Cannabis dispensaries can also experience dangers that are way beyond the traditional risks. Due to such reasons, dispensaries must have a product liability license to protect them from unwanted accidents on the premises. 

Why opt for the product liability license?

Apart from offering protection from accidents, there are several other reasons why the dispensary in downtown Los Angeles must carry a product liability license. These are:

1. They are an actual point of contact for customers

When a customer receives injuries from a certain cannabis product and wants to file a lawsuit, the dispensary is the most obvious and first place where the customers will go against it. It's primarily because the products sold by the dispensaries are well-recognized brands. 

So, the best way to protect the dispensary is by opting for the product liability license, as it will prove that all the products are under the control of the dispensary. 

2. Employee advise and product labelling affect the product's liability

On certain occasions, cannabis products get mislabeled, either by the distributor, process or cultivator. In many cases, some of the staff members might advise all the customers in an improper manner and sell the products, which leads to a negative reaction.

This can take place because of cannabis itself or because of other ingredients that get mixed with marijuana. For instance, the ingredients found in the edibles can lead to allergic reactions. 

3. Vertically cohesive businesses have increased liability

The dispensary in DTLA makes its own set of cannabis-based oils and edibles and grows its strains. When the business gets vertically integrated in such a way, they become responsible for all the stages of product development, right from the seed to sale. 

This enables the dispensary to have a lot more control over its products and increases the business's product liability.

4. Dispensaries will become accountable for products under their control

Many dispensaries think that if there is some problem with the product that causes injury to the customer, the liability will fall on the product manufacturer or the grower. 

But in reality, any cannabis product, which is consumed through vaping, eating, smoking or drinking might change when the products are under the control of the retailer. They might get contaminated, or fungus might grow if they're not handled properly; 

Summing Up

The dispensary in DTLA aims to offer good-quality products to its customers. But having a product liability license is also important as it will address all the exposures faced by the dispensaries. Having a liability license means allowing the experts to assess all the risks which dispensaries might experience. 

Scott Simpson is the author of this article. To know Legal Dispensary in DTLA please visit our website:

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